Collaborative Inquiry

How do you get a group of people collaborating to solve a problem?

The answer to this question is called Collaborative Inquiry, according to Warren Berger in a conversation on The Knowledge Project. It’s the idea of getting people collaborating on answering a particular question together. This is evident in the start-up culture where founders and innovators start with a question or a problem and collaborate together on developing the solution.

In A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger cites the revelatory questions that inspired a number of successful innovations. These are a few:
What if we could map the DNA of music?
Innovation: Pandora
Why can’t everyone accept credit cards?
Innovation: Square
Why aren’t football players urinating more?
Innovation: Gatorade


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On hobbies

My most recent discovery of an inspiration that I found my self consuming much of his wisdom and thoughts on the internet, Naval Ravikant. I’ll probably be sharing more of his thinking here. But for now, this piece of advice on hobbies... Continue →