
I’m writing this from my mini-isolation-unplanned-bootcamp-retreat back to the place I used to call home ten years ago, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 🏑

I’m re-questioning the idea of home, how does this place (physically) earned that naming again. Is it the number of days I spent in? Is it the people I co-habitat with? Is it where I commute to work from? Or where I keep my belongings and books at?

This place feels like home again.

It is a phrase and a feeling I need to examine before it expires. I then need to use these insights to establish or transform my next residence into my future home.


Now read this

Collaborative Inquiry

How do you get a group of people collaborating to solve a problem? The answer to this question is called Collaborative Inquiry, according to Warren Berger in a conversation on The Knowledge Project. It’s the idea of getting people... Continue →