Mission Statement or Mission Question?

Building on yesterday’s frozen thought. Many other related-thoughts started to surface. A particular one came while I was studying the design aspects of lifestyle, a recurring theme was about asking as a designer, what problem am I trying to solve?.

This could go beyond this particular domain into other places, whether personal, in relationships, or business. It encourages the “step back and looking at the big picture” type of thinking, raising the awareness of what actually matters, and what can be done effectively at a given moment.

In the conversation with Warren Berger he talks in his insightful book “A More Beautiful Question” about the concept of changing Mission statements ➙ Mission Questions, and the profound shift in thinking that will happen once a statement becomes a provocative question.

So next time you are heading to start your work, start with this question:

“How might we…?” #

And see where that thought will take you next.


Now read this

The duty trap

Every education system rewards duty and tends to encourage us to forget our true desires. After years of school and university, we often can’t conceive of asking ourselves too vigorously what we might in our hearts want to do with our... Continue →