Seasonal Inspiration

Seasonal Inspiration1 Is a term I use to refer to someone or something that is having a considerable influence on me during a period of change. #

As I’ve noticed in each chapter, there is always a dominant influencing idea or a person whom I’m either discovering or rediscovering. The intensity of that influence and inspiration varies, but what is consistent is that over time, it gets mild as I phase into a different chapter or season. Some remain mild for a long time; some I simply outgrow or build on their ideas; some others are not an inspiration anymore. While a very few whom their wisdom and inspiration transcend the seasons. I would love to keep an eye on those and make a log of those timeless inspirations, one day.

  1. This post grew from a footnote into a separate idea (blog post) while trying to explain why I referred to Seth Godin as a Seasonal Inspiration in a blog post titled Disappointed, expectations  


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Disappointed, expectations

Disappointment and expectations are two inseparable concepts. So, whenever I experience disappointment or see it in others’ frustrations, the first thing to check on the dashboard is, what was expected?! How we define expectations? How... Continue →