Time is relative?

To understand this, you need to understand what time is. Most people think time is something physical. It’s either something that flows, or it’s something we move through. This is incorrect. The word" time", is a term describing our motion from one moment to the next. In other words, “time” is something we do. 1

Time is one of the most challenging concepts to wrap my head around; the more I think I had a new understanding of it, the more mind-twisting it becomes.

I wrote this thought after an experience I was engaged in for over 3-hours with no sense of time passing for that long (or short) it depends on what we are comparing it to. I had to put this down in an attempt to map little by little how do I think about time, sensationally, spiritually, physically, and whatever perspective I can attach an -ly to, looking at time.


Now read this

Curiosity over passion

Becasue curiosity is way more generous then passion! # This is what I wrote in a single line on my iPhones notes app, dated 20 October 2018, followed by a link – Elizabeth Gilbart on the TED interview. I found that note today while... Continue →